Kern Seedtech
Kern 666 Long Melon
Q1. What is the harvest time for Kern 666 Long Melon?
A1. The harvesting time for Kern 666 Long Melon is 55-60 days after sowing.
Q2. What is the fruit weight of Kern 666 Long Melon?
A2. The fruit weight of Kern 666 Long Melon is around 110-120 grams.
Q3. What is the fruit shape of Kern 666 Long Melon?
A3. Kern 666 Long Melon produces long cylindrical fruits.
Q4. What is the skin color of Kern 666 Long Melon?
A5. The skin color of Kern 666 Long Melon is light green to green.
Q5. Is Kern 666 Long Melon an open-pollinated (OP) crop?
A5. Yes, Kern 666 Long Melon is an open-pollinated vegetable crop.
Q6. What is the USP of Kern 666 Long Melon?
A6. The USP of Kern 666 Long Melon is its early fruiting and good taste.
Q7. How should I fertilize Kern 666 Long Melon?
A7. Apply urea, DAP, and other macro and micronutrients at appropriate rates according to the soil test results.
Q8. How do I control pests and diseases in Kern 666 Long Melon?
A8. Use pesticides recommended by a local agricultural expert to control pests and diseases such as fruit fly, powdery mildew, and downy mildew.
Q9. Can I grow Kern 666 Long Melon in the winter season?
A9. No, Kern 666 Long Melon is a summer season crop.